About ten years ago I flew out to Burbank to see Pat Todd perform and some other bands were playing. Neverland Ranch Davidians were the headliners and had the misfortune of playing after Pat Todd & The RankOutsiders had finished their set . The place cleared out except for a few stragglers at the bar and some just starting for the night. Somehow, I think they would have enjoyed this band.

Imagine if Paul Peña was singing and the backing band sounded like a bluesy funky version of The Dwarves or Cosmic Psychos. The highlights are “ The Gospel”, “ Liquor Store”, “ Hen House” and a great cover of Ray Charles “ I Believe To My Soul”. It is greasy and tasty soul food rocking for the after hours crowd and those looking for a late night soundtrack for those sleazy encounters .

Neverland Ranch Davidians is a raunchy bluesy rock and roll brilliant mess . I mean it in a good way. The perfect music for last call on the town or at home . I should have stayed to watch them play,